Vegansexuality. Vegan-what?

“Left-wing girls get horny from right-wing talk. How leftist a girl may be, and how conscious they are about the world, in their panties they are all right as hell.” This quote stems from a show performed by Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen in 2013. During the show he demonstrates how ‘left-wing’ topics such as poverty, […]

Vrouwen vaker veganist: waarom de man zo verknocht is aan vlees

Afgelopen maand ben ik geïnterviewd door redacteur Iris ten Have over de vraag: Waarom zijn mannen toch zo gek op vlees? En meer! Lees het originele stuk hier: Veganisme is al jaren een trend, maar niet onder iedereen. Het blijkt dat voornamelijk jonge vrouwen dierlijke producten links laten liggen. Hoe kan het dat er […]

From conflict to cuisine

A conversation with Alexander Gershberg. What and how we eat strongly defines our identity and relationships. But for chefs, the meaning goes even further. Especially for chefs who grew up in a conflict area and now strive for success elsewhere. For them, recipes and stories cannot be separated from their identities. Stories about traditions, politics, memories and economic resilience. […]

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